Year 6 Banner

Welcome to 6SS 


Welcome to Year 6!

The children have settled fantastically and are already working incredibly hard. Within Year 6 there is myself, Mr Williams, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Potter. We are really looking forward to the year ahead.



P.E. ALL children MUST come to school in their kit (white T-Shirt and black shorts/leggings or joggers.) Children with long hair are expected to have it tied back and NO jewellery to be worn.

PE will be every Wednesday - please make sure your child attends school already in their PE kit on this day.



Please remember the value we place on reading and encourage your child to read at home. This year we will be continuing to use the online system and children can log their daily reads using the 'Boom Reader App'. 

We will also send home a set of weekly spellings, these will be tested each Monday.



I ask that all parents have seesaw connected for this school year, I use seesaw to pass on important messages, share class updates and showcase some of their amazing work!

Thank you for your continued support.

The year 6 team.